ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Snakes and Noses

Re: Snakes and Noses

Becky Huffman (hhcc1@htcomp.net)
Fri, 21 Mar 1997 22:17:02 -0600

funny thing, (funny!?!)

once after we had snake hunters out, after they had left, we let the
horses out for awhile. They got in the front yard where the hunters had
their box. They would dance around the spot and sniff and run off, circle
and come back - do it all again. I know they must see snakes in the
pasture - cant figure whey they were acting like that. Once saw them
acting the same in the pasture, figured they had a snake - didn't go check,
just watched they found a new game.

Semper Fi & The ShadowRat
Huffman Horse and Cattle Company
Fine Endurance Arabians and 'Horned Cows'

> Kimberly &Mystery the Morab...who can jump straight up like a cat at
> will.....and won't be sticking around to investigate those rattles!

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