ridecamp@endurance.net: Training spooky horses

Training spooky horses

Mark & Karen Willmus (willmus@runestone.net)
Mon, 17 Mar 1997 13:37:49 -0600

Linda Cowles is right!

Parelli and crew can be located at: 1-800-642-3335

There is no substitute for proper preparation! In the past, I always
attributed any problems I was having to the horse. Especially spooking.
But know what? It was Me! The Parelli program (which is highly
commercial, but unlike most things in the pay-for-horse world, you actually
get more than what you pay for) is good for all horse people, but is
especially suited to Comp. and End. trail riders. When it's just you and
your horse out there for miles and miles... you'd better both be speaking
the same language.

I have no interest in promoting Parelli, except that it's been my
experience that his program can totally turn around even the most hopeless

Karen Willmus


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