ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Hill training and is he using his haunches?

Re: Hill training and is he using his haunches?

Becky Huffman (hhcc1@htcomp.net)
Sat, 15 Mar 1997 21:54:15 -0600

I have lots of good hills, but have had some back problems(last 6-8
months) since moving here (2 1/2 years). I corrected some problems
that were keeping his back hollow and now having trouble getting him
to round up. We are doing lots of cavaletti, but I'm kinda scared
to get back on the hills.

Would be very interested in training exercises for this.

Semper Fi & The ShadowRat
Huffman Horse and Cattle Company
Fine Endurance Arabians and 'Horned Cows'

> how can I tell if my horse is actually using his haunches??

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