ridecamp@endurance.net: Desensatizing (or sacking out)

Desensatizing (or sacking out)

Jacqueline Mansfield (jaxson@leopard.com)
Wed, 05 Feb 1997 11:19:58 -0700

I have a question on "sacking out" or desensatizing a horse to certain

This morning when I went out to feed there was only a couple of scoops of
grain left in the bag (that I have cut down to better reach the grain at
the bottom, so it actually is a fourth of a bag) so I decided just to pour
the grain from the bag into Winza's feeder. When I went in his stall to
pour it in he gave a scared look at the bag, he didn't move away very far
though, so I decided to sack him out with the empty bag while he was
eating. He did pretty well, I didn't put his halter on so he scurried out
into his run a few times to get away from the bag monster but he didn't run
me over to do so (just *quickly* walked past, then he came back in when I
stood quietly to the side) and he didn't bolt or do any snorting. For the
most part he stood in place shaking a little in fear while I crumpled,
rubbed, and shook the bag all over and around him. I was elated at his
response but I would like to get him to the point where he completely
ignores the bag.
I want to work with him every morning, but am I wrong to only work him
with this while he is eating and in his stall? My concerns are: He is so
anxious to eat that he might be tolerating a situation he wouldn't normally
because he is hungry, he might react differently outside his stall than he
does inside, I don't want to upset his digestion be scaring the begeezus
out of him while he's eating.
What do you guys think?

Author owned by Winza, 13 year old Crabbet Arabian gelding

I used to dream of owning a flashy chesnut or bright bay, perhaps even a
shining black, but when my perfect horse came in a never-to-be-clean
white... I shrugged and realized the meaning of "A good horse is never a
bad color".

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