Re: Geldings and Registry Updates

Gwen Dluehosh (
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 16:36:13 +0500

It's still happening- I just ogt my 1997 regs!
At 07:22 AM 1/28/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Several years ago, the AHRA was offering a "rebate"
>on Stallion registrations. When you geld your stallion
>and notify the Registry to update their sex, the Registry
>refunds part of the original registration fee. This
>program, if it is still in effect, encourages accuracy and
>updating of the AHRA records at no cost to the owner. I
>suspect it was also intended to discourage indiscrimate
>breeding and/or over breeding of Arabians.
>This isn't exactly endurance specific, but I thought I'd
>pass this on to other gelding owners.
>Colleen Carlton
>Palmdale, CA
Gwen Dluehosh
Desert Storm Arabians
1156 Hightop Rd, #89
Blacksburg, VA 24060