Equine Health Day at University of Missouri

28 Jan 1997 11:09:26 CST

The College of Veterinary Medicine will be sponsoring Equine Health Day in
room S147 at the Animal Science Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
on March 1, 1997. The program includes:

What happens when a horse comes to the veterinary teaching hospital for
colic surgery - Dr. Christy Bacon-Miller

Tying-up in performance horses - Dr. Lorie A. Moore

Wound Management and bandaging - Dr. Joanne Kramer

Update on Equine Laminitis (founder) - Dr. Philip Johnson

Equine Nutrition - Dr. Dan Netemeyer

Metabolic stress in distance horses - Dr. Dane Frazier

Metabolic diseases in distance horses - Dr. Dane Frazier

The fee is $30.00 and includes lunch for those who preregister, refreshments
at break, and handout material.

Questions: College of Veterinary Medicine
Continuing Education and Extention
W234 Veterinary Medicine
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri 65211
(573) 882-7848
Fax: (573) 882-2950