Re: Sweet feeds & performance

Mary H. Moore (
Fri, 17 Jan 1997 06:03:13 +0000

just curious...and we've gone round and round about this one forever
it seems. the concensus seems to say that mollasses in feed is
definitely out. my mare is still on a sweet feed, and she seeems
to do well on it, so why bother. the only time we have EVER had a
problem is when a batch came back with the wrong ratio, and we had a
bunch of horses colic, due to too dry a feed. when we had that, we went
had had the grain tested for everything under the sun to see what was
wrong.. also, i have worked at several back farms of race
trainers (TB) and they have used a sweet mix...although they have it
specially mixed, like we do in the barn i'm at right now.

my question is....after that diatribe....since many of you are finding
that your horses are having problems on a molasses added mix, what
are your opinions on something such as pellet grain (ie, blue seal),
since the three day event trainers that i know of seem to favor it in
the northeast.

and the other question...totally unrelated to feeding is...whats your
opinion of cross training? ie, conditioning a horse to work CT of
enduarnce and then showing a little bit on the side?
counterproductive? not that i'm ever going to show my mare dot ever
again...but there is a rider in our barn who would do wonderfully
with her showing the hunter circuit, and i was consiering letter her
take Dot to a show or two this summer. opinions?


mary and One Smart Poky Dot