Re: Natural Glo - calcium/phosphorous

Susan F. Evans (
Thu, 09 Jan 1997 17:46:04 -0800

Duncan Fletcher wrote:

> Feeding 20 lb hay will give you 18 Mcal and you would need to feed 2.75 lb Natural Glo.
> You would then be feeding 0.17 lb Ca and 0.10 lb P, or a Ca/P of 1.7 which is fine.

Well, in my opinion, maybe not all that fine, although I agree a 1.7
Ca:P ratio is OK. Feeding .17 lb of Ca and .10 lb of P is 1500% and
1200% of the required amounts, respectively. Excessive in both cases.
It also provides approximately twice as much protein as is required,
definitely a bad thing in endurance horses.

So I have a
> > question. We normally feed 50/50 alfalfa/oat when the horses are in
> > the barn (otherwise on irrigated pasture). Do you see problems
> > supplementing with Natural Glo in this situation? (light-moderate
> > work)

I have an equine nutrition spreadsheet program that crunches all these
numbers. If you like, I can run it through and see what it says.
Personally, I think there are better approaches than feeding rice bran,
but that's just me. If you can e-mail me the horse's weights, I'll
crunch it this weekend and post the results.

Susan Evans