Speed of Absorption (cont)

Roberta Lieberman (rlieberman@phillips.com)
Fri, 3 Jan 1997 10:41:58 -0500

Regarding absorption rate of forage vs. starch (grain) ... remember
Michael Glade's studies back in the early- to mid-80s on the effects
of feeding grain to weanlings? He showed that the rapid spikes in
insulin produced by high-grain diets led to errors in bone formation
and juvenile joint disorders (now called DOD -- developmental
orthopedic disease). I think he charted the metabolic effects of the
carbs, showing that small frequent meals are better for young, growing
horses that large ones. (Am I remembering this right -- it's been a
long time since MHB days!) Anyway, the research showed how quickly
carbohydrates hit the system -- it's just like eating a candy bar.

And speaking of candy bars, it's better to balance the (human) diet
with 30-40-30 ratio of protein/carbos/fats -- evens out the blood
sugar levels.

Bobbie L. (trying to stay "in the zone" despite holiday temptations)