Re: Place to ride
Thu, 12 Dec 1996 09:55:24 -0500

Lovely story Becky:

I have had and and lots of my friends have had similar experiences.

Here in Ohio horses still have the right of way on all roads...still on the
books but hardly anyone knows it. BUT, it IS a prosecutable offense.

Just two months ago within the last 1/4 mile of a CTR, all riders had to ride
down a road which had a wide bridge with guardrails crossing a lake. Some
rider (behind us on trail) had evidently been hurt and an ambulance called.
We had heard the sirens as saw two ambulances pass over this bridge coming
in our direction before we got to the road. I sighed relief as my horse is a
greenie and sometimes skittish. I began to cross the bridge and here comes
ANOTHER emergency vehicle...lights, siren, etc. I motioned for them to slow
down...vehemently..they did NOT!!! My mare decided that the guardrail was
going to EAT her and that the ambulance posed no threat (talk about horses
being unpredictable creatures!!!) She was actually shying TOWARDS the
uncoming ambulance!! AND, we are on slippery pavement!!! We survived
(obviously) by my shouting at the mare and using leg aids. I was FURIOUS!!!
Did they want TWO accidents to happen??? I fail to see why three or more
emergency vehicles were necessary and why the "trained" people involved were
even sent..they evidently have either low IQ's or no brains at all!!!

Next time (if applicable in your state) GET THEIR LICENSE NUMBER and take a
report to the local county prosecutor.
