Re: results of Sat. trailer

Gwen Dluehosh (
Sun, 08 Dec 1996 21:06:12 +0500

Dianna, call your local dog warden/humane investigator and have them present
next time she tries to load this horse... Someone is GOING to get killed. I
have NEVER had a horse do this with my method and I am sure others have had
good resilts with their methods.... This is animal abuse, esp since you
didn't really say where she got the TRANQUILIZER.
At 10:41 AM 12/8/96 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi everyone,
> First I want to send a big thank-you to everyone who sent me a
>post regarding how to load a difficult horse. But, I think you will all
>be very disappointed in what I have to report.
> As everybody knows it is very difficult to tell somebody something
>if they already think they know everything and not make them mad. So, I
>tried to go about suggesting how to load the horse in a very diplomatic
>manner. I asked this person if she had any plans on how to get the horse
>to load - she said she didn't so I told her I had asked a few friends
>(yea!! you are all my friends aren't you excited!!) if they had any ideas
>and I handed her a pile of printouts of your suggestions. I told her to
>read over your ideas because it might help. She said thank-you very much
>(and from the results they are probably in the trash).
> Anyway, apparently my husband had told them they could just come
>get the trailer when they were ready. So when I came home from school
>Friday the trailer was gone.
> Friday they tried to load horse. Terrified. Reared, wouldn't
>lead, etc. So they got his front feet and head in the trailer and tied
>him (stupid, stupid, stupid) he freaked and broke the lead rope. So they
>tried to tie him to the side of the trailer - freaked & broke another
>lead rope. So, they decided they would wait until Sat. and tranquilize him.
> Sat. they tranquilized him and tried to pull him in the trailer -
>no luck. So, they put 3 leads on him and 3 people tried to pull him in
>trailer - no luck. So they tied him to the hitch of a truck and tried to
>pull him into the trailer, got his front feet in and then he just sat
>down. So, they gave up.
> Apparently the new plan is just the next step in idiocy. They
>are going to try and get hold of a stock trailer and try that (this is
>not the next step in idiocy this is: if that doesn't work they are going
>to ride him to her dads farm where he has a big farm truck with tall wood
>side boards. Oh god - I can see all kinds of tragedies incl. rearing and
>flipping over while on the highway, and how are they going to get him in
>the back of a truck? Finally, if this doesn't work they are going to
>ride him home: a very green horse, over 40 miles, only route is very busy
>highways (somebody better be making funeral plans).
> I have not been present for any of this charade. Maybe I should
>have tried harder as I'm sure the horse will now be VERY difficult to
>ever teach to trailer. I am very sorry none of your suggestions were
>listened to, but thank-you all for trying. At least I learned something.
> Sincerely,
> Dianna Arnett
Gwen Dluehosh
Desert Storm Arabians
1156 Hightop Rd, #89
Blacksburg, VA 24060