Re: Mileage / Wealth

Connie Hoge (
Sat, 7 Dec 96 00:19:48 UT

My goal was to officially record the miles I ride. Had originally thought
that one received a "certificate of completion" at endurance rides. i.e. Name
of ride, miles, date, placing. Was dissapointed to learn that if you do not
finish top ten, you receive nothing.

With all the discussion regarding prizes, to me, documents that would
authenticate my mare's lifetime achievements would be a great "prize". After
all, I ride because I love it, and she takes me there because she loves it

Secondly - read mail from someone who said they were "poor", and could only
ride a few rides a year. If we're lucky enough to have horses, we're not
"Poor", just not "wealthy" enough to compete as often as we'd like - know the
feeling! Am all for "Elevator" rides! They would be great for young horses,
newcomers, those on a budget, etc.

Connie Hoge