Re: Vaccinations/Shock

C.M.Newell (
Thu, 5 Dec 1996 08:31:09 -0500 (EST)

>Anaphylactic reactions are quite uncommon but they do occur. I keep epi on
>hand when doing vaccinations. It can be bought from most of the vet supply
>catalogs or from your vet. You only need a very small amount to create an
>impressive response from a horse- my vet said to give 1 cc and stand back.

Just a comment on anaphylactic shock. Although epinephrine is
usually one of the first drugs administered in a true anaphylaxis, it is by
no means the sole therapy. IV fluid therapy,rapidly-acting corticosteriods,
antihistamines, etc. is also improtant.
Bottom line is, that, even if you are standing there with the epi,
the animal may very well die on you anyhow. Fortunately these reactions are
--CMNewell, DVM
"The expression in a horse's eye is like a blessing on a good man's house."
--Sayied iben-el Rabil, quoting the Prophet