Ride Maps

Deanne Del Vecchio (delvecchio@geocities.com)
Thu, 21 Nov 1996 17:03:58 -0800

Hi All--this is Deanne. I live in Lake Tahoe, CA, and just started
endurance riding this year. Of the five rides I went to, (CA & NV), I
noticed that the ride maps were hand-drawn. When there was a question as
to which way to go, the map didn't help much because nothing else was
marked on it beside the trail (and a water stops, etc.) I think it would
help tremendously if a topo map of the area was copied, then the ride
route traced on that map, then the whole thing copied for the riders.
Thus, drainages, ridges, other roads, buildings, elevations, etc., could
easily be identified and the rider could pinpoint her location.

Do any rides use topos? If not, why not?

If yes, how have the riders liked them? (My husband thinks most riders
don't know how to read a topo)

I have always taken my own topo of an area on the ride with me, but it's
much harder to hang on to two open maps flying in the wind...

Thanks for any input..

Deanne Del Vecchio & Gabe                         
Living and Loving in Lake Tahoe           \
delvecchio@geocities.com                 ~/^\          /~
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