> >I am planning on purchasing a Heart Monitor or making large hints for
>>Christmas. I am intrigued with the easy care monitor that has the band
>>that the monitor goes on so that it will stay on when you pull your
>>I am currently doing Natrc and often pull my saddle at the P&R stops, but
>>I would like to be able to see the pulse while the horse is resting.
>>Does any one have any experience with this type of monitor? Everyone I
> >know has the monitors with the electrodes.
>>Does v-max have a model that would be able to be left on the horse when
>>the tack is pulled? Thanks for any info. I have been so impressed with
>>the Quality of the topics lately. AWESOME!
>I know of two people who had problems with this type of arrangement. The
>first was irritation from the band. The second is the monitor actually
>fell off during a ride and was lost.
> Since I try to come into a check close to parameters pulling the saddle is
>no big deal. You can get elastic belts (Roger sells them) you can quickly
>put on your horse after you remove the saddle. For the price of a spare
>set of electrods (which I always have on hand) you can quickly disconnect
>the tranmitter and connect it to this belt. The whole process takes less
>than a minute.
You can buy the complete heartbelt (elastic belt, cables, patches and
transmitter) for $65.00. Use with any heartwatch. Belt comes in purple, red,
navy and olive colors!! Whip off the saddle and whip on the heartbelt in less
than a minute!!
Truman Prevatt
Sarasota, FL
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Subject: Re: Heart Monitors
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