Re: bareback riding

Sullys Maze (Sully@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU)
Thu, 7 Nov 96 12:22:41 PST

REPLY TO 11/07/96 09:45 FROM bareback riding

I too was wondering about the bareback question. Has anyone seen
anybody at a ride using NO saddle at all? Don't think I would try it
myself, but a long time ago I read of a man who rode the 100-milers
with all he needed in a fanny pack around his waist. No saddle, just a

-Since I love to ride bareback, I thought I would make a few
comments. I would attempt to ride a 25 bareback IF I HAD A HORSE
WITH A COMFY BACK! Nothing I own currently fits that description,
but I used to ride bareback all the time on my own horse Silver.
Personally, I think it is infinately better than riding with the
saddle, since the human buttocks are an excellent shock-absorber!
YOu eliminate problems with pads, tree edges and cinches.

-Anyway, I guess that is one of the reasons why I like the Sport
Saddle so much. It is a very natural, balanced way to ride. the
seat shape is not artificial.


Since I won't have a horse for awhile (and wouldn't buy a saddle
until I had the horse to fit it on) I appreciate the comments and info
gathered so far on different saddles. When the time comes to get one, I
will hopefully be better informed on everyone's opinoins of the various
saddles offered.


P.S. Thanks for all the input on the pants question. Great leads
so far! :)

"The really happy person is the one who can enjoy the scenery when he
has to take a detour."

"God forbid that I should go to any heaven in which there are no
horses." --R.B. Cunninghame Graham
