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Sat, 2 Nov 1996 01:40:43 GMT

On Thu, Oct 1996 sheynde <sheynde@pacifier.com> wrote:
>I have borrowed a T-Touch book from a friend and I am doing some massage
>I also do streaching exercises with her every night. Her Chiroprator

I'm glad you're doing the T-Touch! (and I bet she is too!) but, please,
T-Touch is not massage. Massage works and manipulates mostly muscle
tissue. T-Touch stimulates nerves. Big difference. I've been to clinics with
Linda, and once her brother showed us how to T-Touch an insect (a preying
mantis with a funny "arm"). We used a piece of grass - there's no way we
could've massaged with that combination.

Rosalie & Shogun (oh, do my ears!)