Re: Spanish Mustang

Tommy Crockett (
Sun, 20 Oct 1996 12:14:10 -0700 (PDT)

I've reposted some stuff here from public files, concerning itself with
Mustang hooves and ability to compete in endurance. I'd love any feedback
from anyone with more or even general insight into either point of view.

I do wish to Point out that Dr. Gilbert Jones is a rather well known
Natural resource specialist. Though somewhat subjective in tone I think
his objective in the article is to simply make it more user friendly. He
can be contacted at Oklahoma State Universtiy.

In article <>, Tom Stovall <> wrote:
>In a message to all, Tommy Crockett wrote:
>(Quoting Gilbert Jones)

>=Known for their toughness and endurance, today's Spanish Mustangs
>=are competing well in endurance and competitive riding...
>Are the Arab folks getting nervous?

I got one of them too. The reason I acquired Esperanza for endurance was
primarily due to the wonderful success that my friend Naomi Tyler had with
her mount Mustang Lady. Now retired to broodmaredom and making, hopefully
just as successful endurance offspring. I've had correspondence with a
breeder of mustangs for endurance in N. Dakota as well. He has done rather
well regionally.

Jamie Ottinger has been raising mustangs for h/jdom and done rather well.
Nacie Louie and Nicholas (a mustang) are winning at level 4 dressage.

>>=The mustang hooves are of a harder texture than domestic horses...
(Gilbert Jones' quote)

>Absolute (explicitive deleted) It has NEVER been demonstrated that the
>texture of
>feral horse hooves is any different than any other horse living in the
>same environment.
(Tom Stovall, AFA farrier quote)

>=and many never need to be shod...
(Dr. Jones's quote)

>More (explicitive deleted) The only reason ANY horse needs shoeing is
>traction or therapeutic change in way of going. Feral horses are no
>different than any other horses in that respect.
(Tom Stovall, AFA farrier quote)

Well actually I trim Esperanza and without the proverbial "mean" group
with which to comapare it can't be take (by you) as fact, but It seems to
me that her hooves are hard as steel. <sigh>

Again one cannot state as fact a hypothesis from their mere observation,
but can certainly not discount it either! One needs to keep an open mind.
Dr. Jones has done massive ammounts of research and is generally well



Goldsmith to the stars (
Los Osos, California

(typed but not proofed

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