Thanx from a first-time ride manager

Linda L. Beck (
Tue, 15 Oct 1996 13:11:57 -0700

Am not sure I've figured out how to correspond on E-mail as yet, but
thought I'd give it a try. I want to thank all of you for either
intentionally or inadvertantly helping me with my first ride. I was in
Reno last year and got much wonderful advice and assistance from those I
met there - Becky Hart among them. Then I discovered the endurance
digest and subscribed. As I read my mail each day I learned a lot about
what riders liked and what they didn't on endurance rides. Our first
ride (the Eagle Nest Ride - 25LD and 50 mile endurance with a 15 mile
novice, in Columbus, MT) was extremely well received and pretty
well-attended for a first ride. We had 38 riders who sent us thank you
notes for doing such a good job. I had great trail management (Maureen
Jewell and Glenn Fink (the owner of the property) and Glenn and Linda
Fink went overboard with barrels of ice filled with water, power drinks,
etc., along the trail along with lots of porta potties, etc. They also
put up a tent at the half-way vet check (it was 100 degrees under the
tents) and sprayed the area around the campground with a water truck!
We received accolades we couldn't believe - our crew (35 strong) was
great and asked if they could come back next year. We had
knowledgeable, hard-working people (good thing since I knew next to
nothing when we started) and Renee Jimison from the Glendive, MT ride
came all the way to Columbus to help - this sport is wonderful! We have
been asked if we would do a 100 regional ride next year. Any input from
out there???? Thanx again for all the information I was able to get
from you about what constitutes a good ride! You are all responsible
for our success!!!!
Linda L. Beck
(Celtic Blue and I were able to garner a BC in Roundup in the 25-miler
over Labor Day since we couldn't compete in our own - he's an Appy!)