ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] A Technology Issue...

[endurance] A Technology Issue...

Kevin Pfoertsch (safehavn@fast.net)
Mon, 20 May 96 23:00 EDT

Here is something many of us have neglected during our philosophical
discussions about post-content, brevity, etc. To wit: not everyone has
access to fast modems & monster computers!

That was an eye-opening thought to me! I live in a world with VAX's, LAN's
and 28.8 bps modems, hooked to a dedicated phone line at home and connected
via a netserver, not the commercial AOL or Compuserve groups. I have enough
computing power at my fingertips to rival most 3rd world countries!

But if you are on a 9800 baud (or worse) modem, and you have to pay by the
minute to be logged on via one of the commercial vendors, then I can see
where brevity is an issue--it costs beaucoup bucks to watch the little bar
at the bottom of your screen creep along while you download the listings.

A netserver is nice--we have unlimited access, 24 hrs/day for about
$20/month. Unfortunately, not every area of the country has one.

I certainly don't have any convenient answers for this dilemma. Perhaps
organizing the posts in a different fashion so that you can menu-pick what
you wish to download might work.

Any computer gurus out there with some thoughts on this?

Diane @ Safe Haven