ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Limited Distance Awards

[endurance] Limited Distance Awards

Ann Warrington (RLINARCH@WSUVM1.csc.wsu.edu)
Wed, 30 Aug 95 14:39:08 PDT

At our Lost Wheelbarrow Mine ride in July, we announced
at the ride meeting that the 30 mile ride would be
awarded top ten based on vet scores, rather than
time across the finish line. Stephanie can fill us
in on how the actual scoring went, but I just wanted
to comment that when we mentioned it, we actually got
APPLAUSE! There were a few negative comments that
we should have put it on the ride brochure and in
the handbook that it would be awarded this way, but
on the whole, I think it was well received.

I think the limited distance rides are there for
whatever you make of them. I personally like to start
10 minutes after everyone and have a relaxed safe ride,
instead of running up front with everyone. However,
it worries me when I see novice riders come to a ride
and plan to race to come in in the top ten, and I've seen
it on many rides.

Ann, The Salsa Guys, and a new WALKALOOSA mare (who is
going to go on a 10 mile ride at Alpine, Sept 30, cause
thats all she's up to, and I'm thrilled to have that