ridecamp@endurance.net: About Fred

About Fred

Stacy A Berger (Stacy_A_Berger@ccm.sc.intel.com)
Thu, 17 Aug 95 09:55:00 PDT

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The majority of horse owners are in the "business" of selling/training/breeding
horses. The sale of Fred falls into that category - only a few of us get
emotionally attached. By selling Fred out here on the west coast, Mathew
McKay-Smith didn't have to worry about getting him home.

There was a horse on the American team in Europe a couple years back that was
sold on the trip. This eliminated the hassle of getting the horse thru
quarantine and the additional expenses involved.

It is not fair to expect everyone to have the same ideas of horse ownership as
yourself. Most people don't expect to own a horse until it dies. If you look
at the Eventers - they sell their horses all the time after major
accomplishments. Now Mathew can move on to a new horse, and new challenges.

Personally, I will keep my horse Porter for his lifetime. However, I don't
expect to retire every horse I end up owning in my lifetime.


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Subject: More concerns about Fred
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