ridecamp@endurance.net: new rider

new rider

Stephanie Teeter (step@sunfish.fsr.com)
Sun, 6 Aug 1995 09:35:20 +0800

I'm forward this message from Jennifer. It apparently
bounced back to owner-endurance (me).

Plus - a message to new subcribers: All of the endurance
postings since May 1995 are archived on the endurance homepage
(http://www.fsr.com/National/endurance) - you can search
each month's postings by date, author or subject.

And keep those ride reports coming!


Date: Sat, 5 Aug 95 10:19:11 PDT
From: "Jennifer Hixson" <Jennifer.Hixson@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
To: endurance@moscow.com

Hello to all! I logged on to this group on Monday July 31rst and
have really enjoyed it.

Although I have not yet competed I am extremely eager to learn more,
and would love to compete. I have a wonderful 8 year old crabbet
bred mare that is leaving Aug 17th to spend a couple months training
with Patti Bailey, & Remington Steel @ Phase II Sports while I get

My frustration is that I don't know any endurance riders in my
immediate area to hook up with, and I really need the training more
than my mare. Is there anyone out there that would like a
conditioning partner?

I'd love to work on a pit crew for anyone
that needs my assistance. I don't have a trailer yet which is
another issue, but I'm willing to relocate my mare if it's not too
far from my home (I'm use to seeing her every day).

I know I could learn so much more from an experienced endurance
rider than from all the books I've read. Believe me I work hard,
and would love to help you out if you're willing to teach me the
tricks of the trade.

Give my a hollar if you have any suggestions on how I could get


Jennifer Hixson
Palo Alto, CA
Stanford University