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Re: [RC] RE: [RC] RE: [RC] Motions before the Board of Directors at theConvention

Right there on the AERC web page it states, "Official sanctioning body for the
United States AND Canada." Hence the AERC doesn't not stop at the US northern
border. So it should actually is the AERC championship not the United States


Mike Sofen wrote:

> Then exactly what does "National Champion" mean?  We (US citizens) are not
> allowed to become the Canadian national champion figure skater.  The title
> implies an obvious national boundary.  As it is, the Olympics has a few
> cross-country participants where a Russian skier competed for Spain and two
> guys in California competed for Armenia, but in both cases they hold dual
> citizenship.  If our "National Championship" is open to anyone from
> anywhere, then what you have is the Olympics, or a World Championship.
> Either make it mean something or throw it away.
> Mike Sofen

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