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clearing trails
The weather is starting to warm up
and I was thinking of starting to clear trails again.
It reminded me of a funny ride I had
with my friend Roy Cust.
We were working together on clearing
trails for the BIG Dog 100 a few years ago.
We saddled up and headed out. Roy was
ahead of me being better organized. I climbed on my mare who was a little green
at the time with my machette on one side.My saw in a case hooked flopping to my
saddle and an assortment of other trail clearing tools dangling all over the
horse and me.
we kicked to a trot to catch up to
Roy. Well my mare went all over the place. Spooking from right to left. Caught
up to Roy who calmly looked at me and smiled " most people sack out their horse
before trying that " We had a great day. Got down below and tied the horses to
trees . He watched me reach for my machette and without saying a word untied
hishorse and walked her into the bush. He then tied her up again. I asked him
why he moved her so far off the trail. He said looking at me and the machette "I
just want her to still have legs when its time to go home"
Now for my wish list I want a
cordless reciprocating saw. My girlfriend in Ontario has one and they look like
you could really clear trail with them!!!
Happy Trails
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