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Re: Weight issue

I think you have hit the nail on the head.  You just cannot legislate
fairness.  I do know that a
very mountainous ride can become the friend to a heavyweight if he or she
tails or runs
with the horse.  By taking the load off going up steep grades, you are
saving the horse for
when you can run on the flats.  Of course the reverse is true on the flats.
A heavyweight can
get off and run, but there is little advantage, and if you do the spread
between yourself and
a lightweight rider increases.  In this case you need an outstanding horse
or just hold back and
ride your ride the best you can.
Then there is Lady Luck.  Things do happen out on the trail that can give a
rider the opportunity
to move up in the line at the ride.  Lost shoes, forgetting to electrolyte,
stepping in a hole, you name
it the trail buggers are out there.
Most heavyweight riders will tell you that they have no desire to race
against the lightweight riders
all of the time.  Every now and then at the right ride, under the right
conditions we can pick it up
and turn in a good showing.  We also know that to chase the lightweight
riders week after week
is a formula for disaster for the horse.  They just can't take the hard
racing and stay sound over the
long haul.  And in the end it's how we treat our horses and the miles that
we ride that really counts.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 5:27 PM
Subject: RC: Weight issue

> Only a few people in the in the discussion about weight the horse carries
> have mentioned  the fact that weight carried is only one factor in success
> endurance riding.
> The Tevis Cup has the most complete set of records.  If you look at 1990
> 2001 you will see it was won 7 times by people who live on the trail (not
> literally, but in close proximity; it is where they train). It was won
> times by veterinarians.
>  During that period it was won twice by Chris Knoch at 220 (with tack, I'm
> guessing at that weight, but I think that is pretty close) Chris
> by running over a quarter of the ride during which time his horse carried
> only the saddle weight.
> The first 4 horses across the finish line this year live on the trail.
> During this same time period, the Haggin Cup was won 4 times by horses
> live on the trail and 3 times by veterinarians.
> Of the total number of entrants, only a small percentage live on the trail
> are veterinarians. It would be interesting for someone to go through the
> records and see if they can come up with that figure.
> But it is apparent that living on the trail and being a vet give you an ad
> vantage, as does being able to get off and run—probably more a deciding
> factor than weight carried.  I do not for a minute think these contestants
> should be handicapped.  They are using their assets to their advantage,
> as each one of us enters a ride with our own particular assets and
> liabilities.
> Yes, weight (liability) can stop a freight train so maybe the train needs
> bigger engine (assets- such as being able to get off and run; living on
> trail, being a veterinarian, finding a super horse, conditioning more
> intensely, and just plain luck).
> It is a sport where fairness can't possibly be legislated to everyone's
> satisfaction.  There are just too many variables.
> Julie
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