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Wreck and NC
Thought I would provide an update. Well I am not doing so good.
Seems my wreck will keep me out of rides for
at least the month of Feb. So it looks like the spring ride plans are
on hold.
Omni is showing a problem with FL susp. We are not doing much except some
topical treatment, and some MSM but suspect it will take him about the
same time it will take me to get ready to go again.
I cant ride, not enough strength in the neck nor range of motion.
Hurts a bit and I get headaches when I get tired.
I hope to get on a walk about by the end of Feb.
Been reading all the National Championship comments herein.
Some has been good - others just rants.
I will not at this time go into along all out dissertation of WHY I
voted for the new qualifications, (you do know ALL BOD members voted
for the new qualifications after 3 iterations)
I stand by original position, there is plenty of time remaining to
make the qualifications.
The qualification and performance level is not out of reach of those horses and riders who have the
solid base of miles and years on their horses.
It was never my position the NC should be a 'novice or rookie event. It
was for seasoned riders and to offer a venue for the new riders and
horse to obtain in the future.
Since I thought(assumed) this year's qualifications would be 'significant' I
began riding LAST AUG before I had any idea what the qualifications
would be.
I had to assume I needed at least ONE TOP FIVE in WD. I really thought
there would be more miles required. I had no idea just what the final
position would be.
I did know there was a proposal for the 1000 mile combined 'free ticket to
ride' - know who proposed that one Val
Kanavy. ( now how many 1000 mile COMBO horses does she have going?)
So for those who are or were REALLY serious about doing this you should
have at least started getting a position ready with the AUG rides. AND
worked on getting the miles on the low mileage horse rider combo
rather then wait around until Jan - then just complain.
I had no real insider advantage. I did not know for sure what the
final qualifications would be until AFTER the Nov BOD.
I have done 2 rides since then- both in NOV.
We have made the cut.
We also will have the 1000 miles before the ride.
I get to go on both qualifications- if I choose.
So how many more rides are there before the NC? You mean you cant get
a total of 500 miles lifetime from DEC to AUG and the 2 top five in
WD with the miles from last year. ?
The new qualification were public in the DEC EN.
How many rides were there from Sept until Dec that you would have
ridden if you knew. I think most of these complaints are lame and not
real valid.
I could say since I made it - I got mine - you can also - but then that would be
considered not nice or PC.
It took me 3 years to build my horse to a level where he could achieve or
perform at this level of competition, not in one year.
Oh well lets just lower the standard so everyone can go.
I will NOT vote to set the qualifications back.
Just go out and ride.
Roger Rittenhouse DAL
Remember DAL slots come up this year, think about running this year
- then you too can join in in all the fun of being on the AERC BOD.
OPS so sorry I DID do a RANT. Short as it was.
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