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Re: Anyone into Resue?

Hi Lynn,

I am involved in a new equine rescue group in Idaho... Idaho Horse Rescue.
We are ready to help rehabilitate the horses, and place them in foster and
adoptive homes when and if Bingham County determines the horses will not be
returned to the owner. You are welcome to join our group, we will need all
the volunteers we can get if these horses are placed in our care. We have
formed due to this and a few other cases of apparent neglect this winter in
SE Idaho. The footage on the news was heartbreaking, emacitated horses,
horses that were barely able to walk, crippled horses, and also dead horses,
a stallion tied short in a stall with manue knee deep rocking back and forth
since he couldn't move. The Bingham County Sheriff is also accepting
donations to help buy hay for the horses, call 208-785-1234. These are
arabian horses supposedly of good blood lines. Yet it is a shame to see any
horses treated this way.

If you're interested in helping you can also contact....

Idaho Horse Rescue
P.O. Box 2045
Idaho Falls, ID 83403

Thanks Lynn for bringing up the plight of these horses. It is indeed a dire


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