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Re: Information requested (if possible)
> Barbara Logan greytiedeer@xtra.co.nz wrote:
> Recently I was raving to a SA vet (now resident in New Zealand like
myself) about Arabian horses (of course I have one here in NZ - a brilliant
mare) and the General came up. She said she knew of him. That he was from
the Vidiko stud and that he had ended up at Onderstepoort where they managed
to get some foals from him.
ALL of the South African vets are emigrating (maddening!). My local vet's
assistant may be able to help. She's on leave right now, but I can try to
speak to her when she comes back if that helps? Can you give me dates, more
or less, when he would have been at OP?
I'll also speak to my fiancee, whose ex-girlfriend's mother used to have an
Arab sports horse stud, and see if the name Vidiko rings any bells. It
doesn't with me, but I'm more into the TB/WB thing than Arabs.
Cindy? Kristene? Celeste? Ring any bells with any of you?
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