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National Championshiip ride
What you say makes sense to me. It is a perspective that probably needs
consideration. I think that a championship ride should have
qualifications that set is apart from the other rides. I also think that
the standards should be clear, and set before the ride year in question
has begun. The standards for the 2001 ride seemed a little low, yet in
looking at the ride stats and history of horses and riders, the results
of the ride seemed equitable. I was not there, so I cannot say anything
from that perspective. My horse and I are still working through some
issues and I hope that we qualify to get there this year, but if we
don't, it's no big deal. I want to take advantage of the easterly
location, since a part-time schoolteacher doesn't have the finances to
travel too far for any ride. The qualifications you mention make sense.
If we are looking for top caliber horses and riders, lifetime miles PLUS
a standard of mileage together is a good way to accomplish that.
It's worth consideration, and debate from different point of view.
Lucie H.
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