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Re: RC: Bleeders

I've seen this twice.  The only two horses I know of both bled at the
same race...*very* slightly tiny amount on the one I saw...just a drop in
nasal discharge.  One was pulled by vets while leading the ride and I
heard that case was slight too.  I noticed that horse came back and I
believe may have won a 100 a few weeks later.  The horse I saw was at a
water stop and had a tiny bit of discoloration. Pointed it out to the
rider and they said, "Oh yeah, he's done that before...doesn't seem to
bother him, don't know what causes it". They placed top 5 and it was a
large ride on a hot day.  That horse was and is very successful and
looked fine at the finish...did well in BC judging.  I don't know what
that means, just what little I've seen. May encourage you more than more
fatalistic posts.

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