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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:41:57 GMT 2003
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  • Prev by Date: [RC] riding roads
  • - Kathie Ford

    Re: [RC] kicking question - DESERTRYDR1

    My mare would get nasty with other horse, even try to turn and kick on 
    occasion.  I worked with her a LOT on this.  It just takes being totally 
    vigilant ever minute when you are riding with someone.  I would correct her 
    verbally or with a slight leg or rein cue whenever her ears went back, and if 
    any thing worse happened, I would spin her in a circle, or whatever it took 
    to distract her from acting up.  It helps if you have someone to ride with 
    who isn't easily intimidated, who will also scold your horse if she even 
    looks cross-eyed.  
    The other thing that worked for me was that I got an 18 month old molly mule 
    in September.  Knowing how much my mare hates any other horses to get close, 
    I put the two of them in the arena, and turned them loose at first.  Then 
    after a bit, after they had words, I saddled the mare and made her work 
    closer and closer to the mule, all the while not letting her get bratty or 
    even take a step in a direction I didn't ask for, or lay back her ears.  We 
    finally worked so close that I could grab the halter rope on the mule, and 
    then I ponied the mule off my mare.  All the time, I demanded that the mare 
    pay attention to ME and only me.  Today I took the mare out with her most 
    hated enemy (at least if you count the number of times she has threatened to 
    make mincemeat of it) and my mare was better than she has ever been.  She 
    occasionally tried to lay her ears back, but always got reprimanded, and my 
    friend and I had a really good ride.  Incidentally, it was raining AND dark.  
    No head lights.  jeri
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