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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:41:57 GMT 2003
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  • - Bonnie Davis

    [RC] Joke - Bonnie Davis

    A crusty old man walks into a bank, up to the teller window, slams down his
    cane and says to the woman at the teller window "I want to open a damn
    checking account."
    The astonished woman replies, "I beg your pardon, sir. I must have
    misunderstood you. What did you say?"
    "Listen up, damnit. I said I wanted to open a damn checking account.  Now!"
    "I'm sorry sir, but that kind of language is not tolerated in
    this bank, " the teller replies as she leaves the window and goes over to
    the bank manager's desk to inform him of her situation.
    The manager agrees that the teller does not have to listen to that foul
    language so they both return to the window and the old man standing there.
    The manager says to the old guy, "Sir, we don't appreciate the language
    you're using when addressing this teller." and then asks, "What seems to be
    your problem?"
    "There is no damn problem," the old man snaps, "I just won 150 million bucks
    in the damn lottery and I want to open a damn checking account in this damn
    "I see," says the manager, "and is this the bitch giving you a hard time?"
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