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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:42:01 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] [RC] Mustangs to Mexico????? - Heidi Smith

    >And why do we blame the ranchers?? Isn't the BLM suppose to be in charge of keeping these wild herds at bay? Shouldn't we be demanding more birth control on the herds if there are that many? What has the BLM been spending our money on if they haven't been able to manage theses herds? If the BLM has 4.6 million dollars to pay one person annually, where did that come from? Who gave the okay for all of this? That is who people would need to write to.
    Thanks for bringing up some of the issues here.  The feral horses, in areas where they are allowed to reproduce unchecked and are not regulated, are one of the single most destructive species to the environment out there.  They can literally destroy the habitat necessary to maintain elk, deer, antelope, and virtually any other big game species.  Cattle are closely regulated on the ranges and are only allowed out during the summer when forage is in a growth phase--and they are rotated to help control excess growth (prevent fire hazard) and to keep plant species as healthy as possible.  Game species have more hunting permits let if their numbers get out of control.  And neither cattle nor game species can do the damage to the land that the feral horses can do--horses can browse higher, graze closer, and do more damage pawing than virtually any ruminant species out there.  And when the habitat is destroyed, I'd like to see the bleeding hearts like Antoinette out there watching them starve in winter, die of thirst during droughts, etc.  As a horse lover, IMO, the most INHUMANE thing we do is allow feral horse numbers to get out of control.

    [RC] [RC] Mustangs to Mexico?????, oddfarm