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    [RC] LD's only vs. combined 25/50 vs. only 50's - sandy . l . holder

    I've ridden for a number of years, but by luck did my first LD earlier this year on a 'green' (although older) horse.  I can only speak from my own experience, and that is, the 25's are great for those that choose that distance (can't or don't want to go longer - due to their own desires or the level of their horse).  The 50's are equally respected (for the same reasons), and the mix - to me - of having both in the same ride is perfect.  Personally speaking, attending and participating in the rides where I could learn from those that know a whole lot more than I do. . . and who's opinions (I sometimes pulled out of them) were valuable, helped me to become much better than I otherwise would have been.  Although I did a 50 at the end of the year (ride 4 hours from my house) that was relatively flat compared to my training area which can change elevation +/- 2,500 elevation repeatedly (and the general area for the four 25's! I did), I'll likely start my boy at 25 for the first ride of the year - again based on my own horse and my capabilities, desires, etc.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but as a novice, I like the fact that AERC (and specifically Ride Managers in my area) provide for BOTH. . . and put up with all the questions (and lack of experience - even with all the books I read) and challenges that I presented, and encouraged me to be better for my horse and me, in that order.

    Sandy (who's learning that "the more I know" - "the less I know"). . .
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