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Re: RC: Applegate Lassen

Miranda is going to the highest bidder!  Remember.....
Becky and the gang.
----- Original Message -----
From: DreamWeaver
To: Becky Hackworth
Cc: ; Barbara McCrary
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: RC: Applegate Lassen

At 09:53 AM 1/27/02 -0800, you wrote:
OK, who all wants to see this ride happen again.  ?  I guess the big question is when would it happen, and Miranda and I will be there...Miranda can move up to 6 rigs per day.  :-))
Anyone else????

Well you don't have to ask me twice!  I would hire Miranda unless Dave has accumulated enough time off by then.  I might hire Miranda anyway, so I can save his time off for any other future 'big' rides.  I'm sure Miranda is already spoken for in regards to anything like that. 

btw, I do have a bunch of photos from the Applegate Lassen ride.  If I can, I'll put them all up for everybody to see.  This was the first ride where I ever got to see real wagon train ruts, and names written on rock in wheel grease.  Here are some photos from another website that shows parts of the trail:

The last time the ride happened, in 1998, it was a real adventure (great preparation for the 2001xp):

btw, Barbara I will help you mark it with gps.  If you do it that way, it will be done for all time.  I believe the trail can be followed quite easily with written directions, a map, and gps waypoints.  This would save you huge amounts of time marking and unmarking 250 (well, 500 miles!) of trail.  Maybe you could just go ahead each day and put arrows down on the turns. 


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