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    Re: [RC] ] Commercial feeds; Strategy vs. traditional grain mix - superpat

    when the horses are into a heavy conditioning season, I like to add Purina's Complete Advantage to their beet pulp based daily mash. I make the whole thing so sloppy wet that the chance of impaction is lessened considerably. And the horses love it.
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 10:53 AM
    Subject: Re: [RC] ] Commercial feeds; Strategy vs. traditional grain mix

    At 10:47 AM 12/3/2002 -0800, Ridecamp Guest wrote:
    >Karen Webb kpwebb@xxxxxxx
    >So is it better to feed the tradiational grain mix as some people argue it's
    >"more natural" or is the digestibility of an extruded or pelleted feed
    >better because the horse utilizes more of the feed instead of it just
    >passing through? 

    I'd like to see this answer, too, because a friend's horse died from impaction from a pelleted feed and I've been afraid to feed pellets ever since.  We just had our new mare with a trainer and he fed Strategy.  She did well on it but it scared me to death.

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    Re: [RC] ] Commercial feeds; Strategy vs. traditional grain mix, Bob & Amber Roberts