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    [RC] Convention camping/cabins - Rides 2 Far

    I just realized that some of the people from the East might like to bring
    their RV's when they come to the convention. Thought I'd let ya know
    there's a great place just about 6 miles of very easy freeway from the
    Convention Center. They have a few cabins that range from $29.95 to
    something like $43. 
    You could get to the Trade Center in 10 minutes.  My daughter works there
    so I have the  inside line. >g<
     It's a good neighborhood, safe place... not crowded. It's called Raccoon
    Mtn. Caverns & Campground. Trish Harrop's daughter works there too so
    they probably even understand what endurance riders are. :-)   As a
    matter of fact, several years ago the "High Adventure" endurance ride was
    held on the premesis but that was with previous owners.  I'm going to ask
    if we could get a special group rate, maybe if we are willing to put a
    link on or something. 
     If you happen to like caves, FORGET Ruby Falls which is an overhyped
    trickle and visit Raccoon Mtn. Caverns which is absolutely gorgeous while
    you're there.  They even have a wild cave tour that involves mud and
    crawling.  Hey, I just had an idea...they also have "overnight group
    campovers" in the cave.  Maybe we could pretend we're interested in the
    cave and just pay for everyone to sleep in there! :-))  
    I'll e-mail AERC and get the to put the campground on the web page.
    There's just 3 or 4 cabins so if you're interested I'd jump on those. 
    Darn, I had the web page but deleted it and don't want to go back and
    find it. You can hit search on Raccoon Mountain Caverns and it comes up
    with photos.  I think it was www.raccoonmtncaverns.org
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