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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:40:03 GMT 2003
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  • - Lori Chandler
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    [RC] Gov. agency that supports horseback riding....and Scotts comment - Sullivan

    I'm going to relate this to endurance by stating that it's possible that
    newly aquired BLM land might
    be of sufficient size to host something like a big endurance ride at some
    point in the future, my disclaimer being that this has not been discussed
    with them yet as the management plan is in the beginning stages.  However,
    the Ukiah Branch of the BLM deserves all our thanks for continuing to aquire
    huge tracts of land for recreational purposes, and seeking public imput as
    to what those uses will be. Different trail managers over the years have
    been extremely receptive to horse use and trail development, with new trail
    heads being added in the past several years.  The Payne Ranch has been added
    to the already extensive Cache Creek Wilderness Study area....two parking
    lots have designated horse trailer parking, with a third that is available
    for over night camping with horses and being discussed as a posslble site
    for a permanent horse camp with all year access.  The trail manager has
    taken suggestions on trail development and maintenence, and implemented them
    faster than you can believe. The area in question is at the intersections of
    Lake, Colusa and Yolo Counties in California, and under the mangement of the
    Ukiah office of the BLM.  In a time when trials are disappearing, it is
    encouraging and refreshing to see trails being added
    The Coordinated Resource Management Plan for Cache Creek shows extensive
    public imput and STUDIES-archeological, botanical, historical and
    geographical.   BLM has made huge efforts to seek and include
    representatives from different horse groups for their opinions and imput.
    This scientific and inclusive approach is quite different from what I have
    seen from Fish and Game....
    California Archeological Society, in working with BLM Archaeologist, trains
    volunteers to monitor archaeological sites, and recently offered to chance
    to monitor remote sites by horseback.  This is very rugged and steep
    terrain, and no doubt will require fit, endurance-type horses.  I will find
    out tomorrow exactly how far back in we will need to go...in the second day
    of a workshop where we go into the field.
    Thinking about Scott's comment below:
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: <FASTGraphic@xxxxxx>
    > Human  beings ARE a part of the natural food chain.  Hunters are a
    necessary part
    > of  the balance of nature.  > > Scott
    A Native American who is involved in site monitoring, and an Environmental
    Resources specialist for the tribe offered the following opinion....that
    based on historical accounts of animal size, and archeological bone
    records.....there is evidence that deer size is shrinking.  Is it possible
    this may be influenced by the fact that deer hunters seek the LARGE
    and impressive looking individuals?  Are those animals being selected out of
    the gene pool?
    On the other hand-my opinion here-it has been also a commonly held opinion
    that natural predators generally take
    the prey that are old; sick, weak or genetically damamged....OUT of the gene
    Something to think about while riding.
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