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    Re: [RC] tornados hit horse barn - superpat

    This is so sad, Deanna. If a fund of some sort is started, please let me
    know. Perhaps if there is a list of items that are needed, Ride Campers may
    be able to send some their way. Please be sure to keep us posted. I will
    help however I can.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Deanna German" <finishis2win@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    To: "Ridecamp" <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 8:30 AM
    Subject: [RC] tornados hit horse barn
    > I feel so oblivious! I just got off the phone with a fellow horse owner
    > whose name I keep in my daytimer as a good contact for anything related to
    > horses. I called her yesterday on an unrelated topic and she returned my
    > call today, rather shaken. One of the tornados that swept through Union
    > County, Ohio on Sunday hit the barn where she keeps her horse. I saw the
    > devastation shot from a helicoptor on the local news and didn't make the
    > connection. The place was flattened. I could see the foundation of the
    > and the barn and then just parts and pieces of barn, equipment, cars, etc.
    > etc. There was a bunch of hay scattered and somone had managed to pile a
    > bunch together and clear a safe open spot -- lots of sharp and spintered
    > debris lying around the cleared spot. 5 horses stood stock still around
    > pile munching with a horse killed by the tornado lying on the ground about
    > 20 feet away. No fences in sight and one lonely figure despondently
    > through the wreck. Another horse was under the wreckage, crushed.
    > My acquaintance was in the barn when it exploded around them. I know her
    > because she called me about 2 months ago to find out about dog therapy
    > is something I'm involved with. The barn owner is a child development
    > specialist by profession and uses the horses for therapy for children with
    > autism and ADD. They were working with some clients and the horses when
    > tornado hit. No humans were seriously injured.
    > As you can imagine someone who has just gone through that two days ago
    > be, she was still pretty shaken and in shock. Everything is gone. They
    > found a place for the horses, but that's about it. She told me how one of
    > the most staid horses balked at being loaded into the stock trailer
    > with the other horses in it and rattling around a bit, it sounded exactly
    > like the barn before it exploded. The horse turned and bolted away from
    > trailer.
    > The farm property is insured, but it's that ol' "act of God" thing. The
    > owners lack health insurance and are already facing bills from unrelated
    > health care issues. The vet bills, of course, aren't covered. But besides
    > that, everything is gone. Tack, feed, basic horse care items.
    > Any ideas on how to help these people get back on their feet? Like I said,
    > the woman I talked to is pretty shaken up -- she was headed out to the
    > again and hopefully will have more info later. Anyone who lived through
    > or floods out there who can offer some advice on how to help or how they
    > should deal with this?
    > Thanks for reading.
    > Deanna (Ohio)
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    [RC] tornados hit horse barn, Deanna German