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    RE: [RC] Pull codes--and attitudes - Bob Morris

    Your dues are almost paid in full. I will send your
    membership card as soon as the last punch mark is made on
    your record card. Keep it up.
    Bob Morris
    Morris Endurance Enterprises
    Boise, ID
    -----Original Message-----
    From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of terre
    Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 11:39 AM
    To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: [RC] Pull codes--and attitudes
    	First off, I have no objection to the pull codes being
    reported but not
    published.  The downside to this is that it deprives other
    riders of some
    information about the conditions of a ride they may be
    planning on
    attending, and the rider may never know how their pull was
    recorded; but
    basically, I don't care whether the reasons for pulls are
    made public or not.
    	It is more important that the reason for the pulls be
    reported.  We are trying to amass statistics on WHY horses
    'fail'; given a
    body of data we can begin to dig deeper in an attempt to
    analyse it.  This
    has led to some discussion of 'bad' data; and pulls recorded
    wrongly, or
    the severity of the problem not addressed (ie Grade I vs
    Grade 3 lame).
    	1) "bad" data--First of all, we are hearing incidents of
    'erroneous' pull
    codes (like the rider who was injured, but her horse was
    given an L).  You
    must realize that while this happens, for every incident of
    this kind there
    are 100 that are recorded accurately.  So the degree to
    which this kind of
    this will skew the data is questionable.  The plan is for
    pulls to be
    'followed up'--this will allow the rider opportunity to
    correct the bad
    info ("no, the horse wasn't lame, I was!  He didn't need
    treatment, I did!")
    	2)"gradation of problem"--ie grade of lameness, etc.  IMO,
    it is a BIG
    error to focus on grade of lameness as having ANY
    significance.  A horse
    can be G3 lame with a stone bruise, or G4 lame with an
    abscess and be in no
    danger whatsoever.  It can be less than Grade I lame with a
    suspensory or
    tendon injury and staring in the face of a career ending
    injury (or even
    life-ending, but that really IS RO).  If my horse is sound,
    but the vet
    detects heat/swelling in the suspensory, you can bet I'm
    gonna pull--and I
    have no problem with calling it L, and I don't care who
    knows it!  Which
    brings me to:
    	3)attitude.  People are getting way too bent out of shape
    over this
    issue.  Maryanne is right--we are taking ourselves too
    seriously!  Guess
    what--mostly, nobody else cares why you pulled!  I will
    agree it would
    irritating to see an L or M after your name if the pull was
    for some other
    reason; but other than the problem with skewing the
    statistics as above,
    why do you really care so much?  A 'blot' on your horses'
    record?  I've
    tried discussing this with my horse, and gotten pretty much
    the same glassy
    stare I get when I try to explain why he should jog the
    first few miles of
    a ride--as far as I can tell, he doesn't much care.  You
    complete or you
    don't; you learn from your errors; you come back and try
    again.  Other
    peoples' opinions (if they even have one) have little or no
    impact on your
    	Ah, but wait--you say these codes may affect the horse's
    price if you want
    to sell it?  OK, now we're talking about something else.  If
    your horse has
    been lame, or had a metabolic problem, and you don't want it
    because it will lower his resale value---well, how does that
    differ from,
    say, selling a tranquilized horse as quiet?  The horse did
    what he did.  If
    a seller wants to cover up some aspects of his career,
    well--that's another
    ball game, isn't it?  The horse started the ride.  If he
    failed to complete
    for any reason other than true RO (rider unable or unwilling
    to continue
    for non-horse related reason), then any attempt to report it
    at as
    otherwise amounts to setting the odometer back.
    Terre (seem to be copping a few attitudes of my own these
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    [RC] Pull codes--and attitudes, terre