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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:39:28 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] PULL CODES - Maggie Mieske

    I never thought this was such a complicated issue.  I just never thought of it that way.  My first pull was traumatic for me...I finished 50 miles in what I considered to be excellent shape.  We both felt great.  On the way in to camp, we passed my sister and daughter on their horses LEAVING camp on the 25 (for some reason some of the rides have their LD in the afternoon) and his pulse simply would not come down.  He had tried to follow them and of course, I was ready to go back in even if he did think he could do 25 more!  :)  But his pulse hung at 18 and refused to come down within the hour for completion.  Was I bummed!  But we learned a lot at that ride (my second season).  I have since been pulled and never resented it and I have since opted to pull because I didn't feel my horse was right for whatever reason.   I learned something valuable on all those occasions.  I know a lot of emphasis is put on completion ratios and for some that is the all important "statistic".  But not for me.  I don't attach a stigma to pulls though I do admit that if I see a horse is frequently being pulled for L or M or if a rider is riding a lot of different horses who keep getting pulled, it makes me wonder why.  So, it IS reality that getting pulled is akin to "failing"....but only if that is how you take it.  I feel that pulling just gives me a chance at another ride.  :)  There is always another ride but there is no other Malik for me.  It is my hope that I am able to instill that in my daughter, Jennifer and though she had two disappointing pulls this year, she learned a lot and is putting her horse's welfare above her own desires.  I can't ask for more and I think she realizes there are more rides in store for her, but there can never be another Max. 

    [RC] PULL CODES, Steph Teeter