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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:38:50 GMT 2003
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    [RC] [Guest] Lake Orville Vista Endurance Ride - Ridecamp Moderator

    Sandy Rovane buytheline@xxxxxxx
    I am a member but am computer stupid.   Please post

    I attended the LOVE ride this weekend and it was the most enjoyable experience in endurance riding in California I have had. I have been doing endurance since 1988. They provided a breakfast, lunch and dinner for an entry fee of $70.00. I got pulled as I rode way to fast the first loop but gained 10# at the vet check waiting for my frieds to complete the second loop. I want to thank ride managment and all of the volunteers for the lovely ride and pleasant end of the ride season for 2002. This is a ride I will always want to attend. Gold Country and Wild Wild West were equally well ran. Thank you ride managers for the fun season. I have been only doing X-P rides over the last 9 years as the California rides were so expensive. Thank you again. Sandy ROvane and Mr. Man who is still going strong at 18 years old. Finished 5th overall at the Grand Canyon, 2nd at Gold Country and 2 nd on Day three of the WWW ride. He will be back next year to complete is 4000 miles

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