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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:38:20 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] young riders - Merryben

    Sorry to continue this thread  on and on but I cannot let this one go unanswered.........

    I understand that you feel that a age rule isn't right for kids in endurance rides. I can see and know that your view is one sided, knowing that family's whom push their kids and sponsoring some of them at rides.

    I have never sponsored a kid at a ride who was not literally begging to go.  Their families never pushed them, the kids pushed their families...I would never myself push a kid to ride....They are free to quit at any time during the ride without recriminations from me......We are out there to have fun and when it stops being fun, we stop......

    Just because there have been a few kids who made it does not make it a good idea for all.

    There are way more than a few.  Can you name any who did not?

    Only by the grace of God they didn't get hurt, or killed.

    That may be true, I don't know.  They could be hurt or killed in a car wreck on the way to the ride too....

    The only reason a little kid( meaning under the age of  8 or 9) is out there on a endurance ride is for the parents egos.

    This statement is such a crock it doesn't even bear answering but I will.  The numerous juniors who rode with me did so because they did not have parents who even rode a horse.  They were with me, instead of their parents, because I was the best choice.  Their parents' egos did not even enter into it.  The only reason they are out there is because they wanted to be. 

    I know I stepped on some big boots here, and know yours are most likely  is one of them, but it has to be said. If not for the ego, let the rule be set. No child was even hurt in body or mind by not riding endurance either.
    All my girls rode at a early age 4 or 5 by themselves. But I would not in my wildest dream  have put them out on a horse on a endurance ride. If you want to know all the reason just check the Cliffy files.HA
    I don't want or need to go over it all again and I'm sure you don't care!