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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:37:39 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides - Truman Prevatt

    Karen, Joe, et. all,

    There is a way to address this issue if you feel strongly. Petition the AERC to place an age limit for juniors before the membership as an amendment to the bylaws. Independent of which bylaws we have after Nov 15 it only takes a petition of 5% of the voting members which will be about 200 signatures to put it before the membership for vote.


    Sullivan wrote:
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: "heidi sowards" <ribbitttreefrog@xxxxxxxxx>
    My last post! I promise! Okay, so if we are to judge what
    age is too young, the next step will be to judge who is too
    Heidi Sowards
     You are missing the biggest difference, being that adults have the right
    to make their own decisions, kids do not.

    [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides, heidi sowards
    Re: [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides, Sullivan