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    Re: [RC] beet pulp - superpat

    This may sound like a dumb question, but are you feeding your mare SOAKED beet Pulp? It only takes about an hour or if you are using the shredded, less than that and you eliminate all worry about choke. When I am preparing my out vet check supplies, I simply put about a cup or less beet pulp pellets in a gallon size freezer bag and add a couple cups of water and seal and place in another freezer bag. When I get to the vet check, it is a moist, soft mixture and I merely add more water. (Of course, my mare shows little interest in it unless I am smart enough to put it in some one else's horse's area and she can then "steal" it).
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 10:48 PM
    Subject: Re: [RC] beet pulp

    I have a mare who bolts her grain too, thats is so she can go around and open everyone elses stall to eat theirs too.I used to put rocks in, but stopped doing that , figured at 1 lb of grain , didn't matter how fast she ate it. But. .one day after starting to feed beet pulp  soaked, give her a scoop maybe, she choked on it. Since then if I feed her beet pulp, I put large rocks in it (like 6-8')long. it does slow her down. vet suggested it and other trainers.   Laurie and Rascal (the hairy beast)
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: superpat
    Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 7:53 AM
    To: hope lundquist; suendavid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Cc: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: Re: [RC] beet pulp
    Just as a side note....I know of a knowledgeable horse person who puts a
    handful of small stones into her horse's feed dish to disncourage them from
    wolfing down their feed. The horses take a little more time to eat around
    them. I wonder if this would be as safe with a wet feed and if the horse
    would also work it's way around the stones?

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "hope lundquist" <wwho20@xxxxxxxxxxx>
    To: <suendavid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Cc: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 6:32 PM
    Subject: [RC] beet pulp

    > Sue I have a question about beet pulp. I was buying pellet beet pulp but
    > store went out of business. I found another supplier who only had shredded
    > beet pulp. I am now finding small stones mixed in. I go thru each feeding
    > and try to get them all out. Very time consuming. I probably have missed
    > some. Will these harm my mare? Could they start an enterolith? Is it
    > possible that the pellets also had embedded stones (rocks) in them also?
    > Maybe I should just quit feeding beet pulp. My mare is 33 years old and
    > likes the stuff. Bye Hope Lundquist
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    Re: [RC] beet pulp, Laurie Durgin