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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:57 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: RE: [RC] January 2002 European Chef d'Equipe Resolutions for FEI
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  • - Karen

    RE: [RC] January 2002 European Chef d'Equipe Resolutions for FEI - Alison Farrin

    Ahh, but my suggestion was that we respond with SOLUTIONS, not finger
    pointing.  If we strongly feel that a 100 has to have 5-7 vet gates,
    then we need to say so.  Someone mentioned that AERC is far larger and
    stronger than the Toulouse Group and my point was simply that we need to
    stand up for what we believe in a positive way.
    Not a "You blew it", but, "It is our strong belief that the safety of
    the horses takes precedence and that adequate time to rest and recover
    is paramount.  As, such we firmly believe that  rule XXX should be
    altered to require a minimum of 5 vet gates with a total hold time of
    not less than XXX on every 100 mile ride."
    And if we really want it to have teeth, indicate that the US will no
    longer send a team to events that don't meet our criteria.
    Alison A. Farrin
    Innovative Pension
    Innovative Retirement Services
    858-748-6500 x 107
    Karen wrote:
    Yeah, but -- if we knew in advance that was how the ride was going to be
    run and didn't voice any objections, it doesn't look right to be doing
    after 2 horses died.  Why didn't we have the leadership to stand up
    the ride and say that we were going to demand that the ride vets have
    veterinary control over the ride?  I just think that we (americans) are
    less guilty, and should not be pointing fingers.  Especially when those
    charge (whoever they are) are supposed to have the experience and should
    trying to guide things in a way that makes this type of event safe for
    horses.   If we have so little control or ability to provide input, why
    we even participating?    Karen
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