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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:26 GMT 2003
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  • - Heidi Smith
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    Re: [RC] Posting As A Guest - Heidi Smith

    > John T:
    > I understand why some have to post as a guest (they are at work and don't
    > have access to the email address that they are registered as), but there
    > no reason why someone who is not registered should be posting, period.
    > There are three options to Ridecamp: single emails, digest, or NO MAIL.
    > mail allows access to everything but you don't get email, you have to go
    > the archives to read.  Could you set the guest posting feature up so that
    > you can post as a guest, but your email address has to be registered with
    > Ridecamp, otherwise you can't post?  I, personally, am tired of people
    > posting with fictitious email address and not signing their names.
    I think you're onto something, Carolyn.  I've often wondered about solutions
    to the problem of the anonymous "hit and run" posts, but couldn't see
    sufficient rationale for supporting the elimination of the guest forum
    altogether.  There are many folks out there who only have interests in
    specific topics, or just plain don't want to wade through RC all the time,
    but still have valid and worthwhile input on various topics, and I'd hate to
    see us lose those folks.  And as you point out, not everyone is always
    posting from their home computer, either.  (I'm lucky--my server has a
    website from which I can access my e-mail account, so I can post from "home"
    even when I'm someplace else--but not everyone has that luxury.)  How about
    it, John?  Is it possible to set up the guest forum (I know, I know, it's on
    the blink now anyway, and bless you for forwarding the posts) so that at
    least the posts have to come from a verifiable addy that is registered with
    Heidi (not enough of a techogeek to know what you can and can't do with this
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    [RC] Posting As A Guest, Carolyn Burgess