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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:26 GMT 2003
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    [RC] endurance truck question- for mechanics > - Roger Rittenhouse

    I would NOT recommend this -- you need to go online to  a Dodge Diesel
    site and ask. The propane inject is costly  and for ONLY the serious
    'high end' power freaks  with diesel trucks. It sure can wreck your
    truck and if you trashed a tranny with a stk truck you will surely rip
    it out.
    The auto  and stick trans are not built strong enough for the torque these power
    house engines produce.
    Yes you SHOULD drive in the top gear  except when the engine RPM drops
    out of the torque power curve. In my Ford PSD auto that range is from
    1800 RPM to 2300 RPM.
    I assume you have the 6spd stick?
    The Dodge stick is NOTED for being too weak.
    Do not take off under full power when loaded - just ease it up to
    speed.  Pull easy and steady shift in the power curve.
    I am convinced the automatics - when working right and kept very COOL
    do a better job of selecting the proper gearing - after driving a diesel
    big truck MH with a 5 spd and split rear and now this F350 PSD auto- I
    will never get a stick again.
    You MAY also be pulling more then the Dodge is rated to pull. Have you
    weighed it fully loaded. I am not sure but I think the D3500 is only
    rated at about 18500 total combined weight.. it is less then the Ford
    If you like the truck and it has low miles, then the upgrades I would
    recommend would be a larger exhaust say 4 inch from turbo back. Change
    the air cleaner to a low restriction hi flow model. Engine will run
    cooler and pull stronger.
    Have the transmission oil changed to run a good synthetic like Amsoil.
    Stay away from HP/Torque chips. You will just rip the tranny out again.
    Go on some of the Dodge truck forums. I hang out at  ford-diesel.com,
    there has to be one for Dodges
    Ok not related but we have to get to the rides.
     Roger R
    > From: Teresa Van Hove <vanhove@xxxxxxxx>
    > Subject:
    > I know - not really endurance, except most of us do trailer to our
    > rides.  Least its not politics.
    > I have a '93 Dodge with Cummins diesel engine.  I've had to have the
    > tranny rebuilt (but I had been towing in 5th gear -my bad.)  I recently
    > heard of propane injection.   I love the idea of something that could
    > increase my mileage AND reduce emissions, but I'm a bit scared by the
    > extra torque.
    > So - mechanical opinions.  Would I be increasing my chances of needing
    > another tranny repair if I had a propane injection system installed? 
    > Any other negative side effects that any of you have encounted?  Anybody
    > know if any of the new pick-ups have propane injection as a factory
    > option.  
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