Re: [RC] Trail Marking - Lynne Glazer
<<<We hit one short section that had been sabotaged, but if you looked
carefully, you could still see the knots of ribbon tied to the branches.>>>
I've seen references to this type of problem, but have never experienced
this in the CT region (doesn't mean it hasn't happened). I'm at a loss.
Who sabotages the trail, and why?
Let's see.
None of our trail can be marked before Thursday. After 5 years, we
have become pretty crafty about knowing what parts are likely to be
messed with, and how. All of the areas that are prone to sabotage
aren't marked till Friday. That is a LOT of pressure on the trail
This year the first leg was sabotaged by motorcycle riders who were
illegally on trail in the first place. They spent a lot of time
doing donuts to wipe out the copious amounts of diatomaceous earth
deposited in the form of arrows and 12" "dots" along the trail. They
took all of the ribbons in this area. This had to be remarked by
stealth in the early evening the day before the ride.
The first year of this ride, the markings in the hills were
obliterated by mountain bikers--twice. Now we embarassedly use
biodegradeable paint instead of many ribbons, and the dots of DE.
We put people on trail to make sure the area that is used for leg 1
and 4 stays marked. That was a favorite sabotage site in years gone
by since it was accessible by foot from a bridge. We used the area
on the other side of the bridge as a 5 minute stop and go, so the
workers could eyeball the area immediately east to make sure none of
the fine folks using the river as their communal swimming pool got
any ideas.
On Leg 2, ribbons were taken down from the photographer's station to
the finish--I was notified by cell phone, that captain was informed
and it was remarked so quickly hardly anyone noticed.
People with too much free time. We use very official-looking signs
that warn that we have permission to be there, that tampering with
the markings can cause injury to horses and humans, that we'll
prosecute, etc. That cut our vandalism way down when we started
using them last year.
Last year on leg 4, someone completely remarked a section. We're
pretty sure we know who did it, and what they ride.
Fine folks, eh? Fortunately, many of the mounted volunteers are
members of horse clubs in town, and the recognition factor keeps some
people from sabotage, I think.
On leg 3, we had a brush fire during the ride meeting--and our ranger
had to go use his tractor to pull three fire trucks out of the sand
by the river.
Then we had some a-h on a mule who threw a rock at a departing
vehicle after the ride meeting, breaking his windshield. And he
tried to run the driver down when he exited the car to challenge the
guy verbally. Some of our ridestaff think they know that perp.
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- [RC] Trail Marking, Stephanie_D_Adair